There is no class in school or course at university to study futurism. So how do we qualify as Futurists?
Well, i'd say that it's far more than an occupation its a vocation, even a way of life. Sure there is a technical aspect to the role, in terms of exploring new technologies and understanding how they work, but it's also equally important to them also consider how we as individuals and organisations might then use these technologies and how might they then transform our societies and lives.
There is no crystal ball to the future so for successful futurists it's about 3 key focus areas. Research, Data & Innovation!
Researching technologies and solutions to the point that we understand as much as is humanly possible about them, to then stand back and consider their impact and worth on our lives
'Innovations that don't solve a problem are gadgets,
gadgets won't change our lives....or pass a business case' Ant Morse
And while our research and collective opinions on the Art of the Possible are great, nothing beats hard facts to both validate our thinking and to map emerging patterns and trends.
'In God we trust,
..everyone else must bring Data' W Edwards Deming
Then finally armed with Insights, suggestions and heaps of common sense, it then falls to Innovation methodologies to allow us to convert our learning and thinking into projects where we can test and try ideas and concepts further to understand....
what's interesting, what's good to know, what's should we watch, what's the ones to test further, and what should we drop and fail fast on.
Using Expert Futurists and Innovators brings a new dynamic to your team and adds a supportive and 'critical friend' to your team.
I've been fortunate to work with some incredible organisations and teams during my career and i've helped predict some significant technology evolutions during this time, from Application Self Serve, Remote working pre-pandemic and Spatial Computing.
My current focus of research is still linked to these areas, but also encompasses a wider trend that while still in its infancy is going to transform our lives like no other period of history, sounds bold? Yep i know but using the process above i have never been more certain of anything in my life.
Its called Life As A Service and its impacts will impact every person and organisation, beyond anything many people could ever prepare for......